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  • Lallande Law, PLC

The Facts: Electrical Injuries

There are at least 30,000 non-fatal electrical shock incidents and 1,000 deaths as a result of electrical injuries in the U.S. each year.

There are four main electricity-related injuries: electrocution, electrical shock, electrical burns, and secondary injuries (which typically result from the effects of shock, such as being thrown to the ground or off of a ladder). Burns are the most common electrical injury.

In the workplace, the National Safety Council indicates that electrical hazards cause nearly one workplace fatality every day and electricity ranks sixth among all causes of occupational injury in the United States. But it isn't just workers that are at risk of electrical injuries- approximately 20% of all electrical injuries occur in children.

If you or a loved one have been injured or killed as the result of an electrical shock incident, Lallande Law, PLC can help. For a free initial consultation with Lallande Law, PLC,fill in the contact form or call (800) 308-8800.


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